Playing on the fringes of techno and house, she is as tight on the controls as she is playful in her storytelling. This and her unique ability to feel the audience, space and time is one of her true trademarks and can also be heard in her own production. Her work as a producer has been continuously taking shape signing with labels such as Get Physical, URSL Records, Feines Tier and various compilations for collectives such as the Gardens of Babylon, Kiosk I.D., Afterhour Sounds and Hug Records. Franca‘s deep connection with the Kater universe has been growing for years, until in 2018 she officially became part of the resident family.

Every scene has its hypes that come and go; hypes that rise to a euphoric zenith, only to fall once they reach a state of supersaturation. The perfect substrate for this is the esoterically charged club culture of Techno-Mekka-Berlin which threatens to blow at any moment. However, every climax refers to a golden mean. We may not always recognise this constant at first sight, but it is undeniably the basis for everything that Berlin ever brought forth.
David Dorad is part of this basis. He is one of the characters that have kept the scene very much alive in the past decades. Born and raised in Halle, he came to the capital city after the reunification as a squatter in 1994 and began DJing. After having foraged through all facets of contemporary music with youthful zest, he commenced to play his first gigs. In 2004 he founded the party collective „Bachstelzen“ with friends. The great attention to detail and homely atmosphere of their events extended their name well beyond the city limits. For some years now, they have been a constant at the Fusion Festival, too. And wherever the Bachstelzen showed up, the Bar25 was never far behind. At first David Dorad
was a guest here, then a DJ and soon a valued friend. Ultimately the in-house booking agency of Bar25 (nowadays known as SASOMObookings) offered him a home base. By now he plays every weekend. And not just within German borders! He‘s well underway in expanding his international status. David is what we would call a charismatic thoroughbred DJ, far from being the business type. You won’t find any Twitter messages or pictures of his cat online. He is so very Berlin: down-to-earth and versatile. When he plays a set, his wish is for everyone to enjoy themselves, regardless of wether they‘re Hippy, Yuppie or Punk. Be it techno, deep or funky; he won‘t submit to any musical dictate within a given scene and prefers to take on the long afterhour shifts. These are most ideal for weaving a soft but vivid
soundscape whose colours are characterised by the season, the setting or the crowd. His harmonious sets are packed with honest energy and don‘t shy away from knocking forth a sassy electronic version of the Berliner tongue. Sometimes a bit cheeky or brash, but always meaning well. He determines this diction by aptly intertwining well-tried classics with new, carefully chosen records, weaving away, until the bigger picture reveals itself to his listeners. It‘s as if his magic hand commands the art of splitting synapses and rejoining them as desired. That would put him ahead of most brain surgeons! David doesn‘t bask in the past or in the future; he‘s a man of the moment. And this moment
he gladly lets drift.

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also he is part of the DJ Duo Soukie & Windish.

Amount is not so much about sound aesthetic experimentation as it is about creating rousing tracks with kinky original ideas. The range covers various genres such as afrohouse, disco, psychedelic minimal or slomo. Due to the producer’s existence, his focus is on the live set. The goal is a danceable, more impulsive and hypnotic set to be created using the pieces produced for the dancefloor.

Nayan Soukie aka Amount has been DJ and producer of electronic music for 10 years and part of the duo Soukie & Windish. As the boss and co-founder of the label URSL, after countless releases and worldwide appearances, Amount is no longer a newcomer, but rather firmly and actively rooted in the current scene. Since with Fritz Windish now a more „darker“ sound is driven, Amount is almost the loose counterpart to the concept of a clear line.

Altbewährt und trotzdem irgendwie neu. Nein, als Newcomer würde man das Berliner Duo Kuriose Naturale nicht bezeichnen. Seit Mitte der neunziger Jahre sind die beiden als Deph und TanaThan unabhängig voneinander unterwegs um sich zehn Jahre später im Jahr 2006 zu Kuriose Naturale zu vereinen. Auch wenn die Kollaboration eher zufällig bei einem Ping Pong Set auf dem Soundtropolis Festival entstand, waren sie sich schnell über eine gemeinsame Zukunft einig.

Und so fand man seine Residenz in der Berliner Ritter Butzke, von wo aus sie seither in die Clubs und auf die Festivals der Republik starten. Nach diversen Gigs im deutschsprachigen Raum und im osteuropäischen Ausland durften sie dieses Jahr das ersten mal den südamerikanischen Kontinent beehren. Musikalisch lassen sich die beiden nichts unterstellen, denn sobald man sie in eine Schublade steckt beweisen sie gerne mal das Gegenteil. Gibt man ihnen die Zeit, so spielen sie auch zehn Stunden am Stück und bei solch ausschweifenden Sets musste schon der Strom gezogen werden um der Sache ein Ende zu setzen. Zitat: „Techno hat mit kurz nichts zu tun und für Musik braucht man Geduld, dass ist eine Tugend die leider vielen fehlt.“

As a self ironic take on this name, Willi Schumacher aka Midas 104 refines his insatiable thirst for new tones until a golden sound pours onto the dance floor.The young Berliner started to write lyrics and produce hiphop beats whilein High school. The combination of melodies, drums and bass-lines got him very excited at that time and slowly a small studio with synths and analogue toys began to develop in his lounge. As a runner in Berlin club ‘Kater Holzig’, he gained insight into the microcosmos of electronic dance music. It was there that he curiously listened to the sets of Kater’s DJs. He was most fascinatedin the music’s ability to transport mood and feelings without the usual misunderstandings of language.

Music has always been Midas’ form of expression and thus the hiphop producer moved to new shores: in the studio he experimented with his ownhouse beats and dealt intensively with harmonies. Quite soon his melancholic driving style of deep house crystallised and he found approval throughhis first releases on URSL, Einmusika, Dantze, Katermukke and Parquet. Music- wise,Midas captivates with his thoughtful arrangements of strong bassdrum, harmonic melodies and dreamy synths which he combines in thrillingarcs of suspense. Not being influenced by electro trends of recent years, the virtuosic newcomer wants honest sound: with soul and maturity he stimulates towards self-reflection and aims to bring the listener closer to himself— frequently leading to goose bump moments on the dance floor.Midas presents his meticulousness for producing in his atmospheric live sets which occur in cities all across Europe. Many see him as one of the most promising talents in the Berlin’s dance-music scene, and his tireless ambition has many looking forward to seeing just how far he will go.

Floating on the strobe lights, smoke machines and sunrises you can feel the Jujujuju. Part time hippies say it feels the way love tastes; others just keep dancing. At German festivals such as Fusion, Garbicz and Sonne Mond & Sterne, people explode with feelings of Woooohohoho. You forget to take your beer when you’re lost in the Woo, but it’s a nice place to be lost — and Sebo takes you there. However, in the many club venues around Europe and the world; the old Bar 25, the new Katerblau and Watergate of Berlin, Frieda’s Büxe of Zurich, Maxim’s of Paris and Kloster in Istanbul, he’s all hypnotic trips of Smoooothe — you’re stuck in the groove with your moves.

Brazilians mostly use the word Megaaaaa to describe his sets. In countries like this, Sebo uses the nature to regenerate. Coconut water diets cleanse his sensitive aura with fresh Ojee and Jujujuju; enough to spread through every DJ set he plays and every track he releases on the very Kraaaankes teil label ‘URSL Records’ — the joint custody child he conceived with Madmotormiquel and Soukie & Windish.

Sebo is a guy filled with a super Smoooothe Woooohohoho that’s had people on clouds of Uuuuuh since before these words were words. Feel the Ojee, smell the Jujujuju.

or beneath clouds shaped like alpine trails into somewhere special with the people you love. There are links between the country of Switzerland from where Canson reigns and the music he brings to the world. The shiny peaks, the epic landscapes, the slick moods — traits which slide into every live set he creates and every track he builds.