Floating on the strobe lights, smoke machines and sunrises you can feel the Jujujuju. Part time hippies say it feels the way love tastes; others just keep dancing. At German festivals such as Fusion, Garbicz and Sonne Mond & Sterne, people explode with feelings of Woooohohoho. You forget to take your beer when you’re lost in the Woo, but it’s a nice place to be lost — and Sebo takes you there. However, in the many club venues around Europe and the world; the old Bar 25, the new Katerblau and Watergate of Berlin, Frieda’s Büxe of Zurich, Maxim’s of Paris and Kloster in Istanbul, he’s all hypnotic trips of Smoooothe — you’re stuck in the groove with your moves.
Brazilians mostly use the word Megaaaaa to describe his sets. In countries like this, Sebo uses the nature to regenerate. Coconut water diets cleanse his sensitive aura with fresh Ojee and Jujujuju; enough to spread through every DJ set he plays and every track he releases on the very Kraaaankes teil label ‘URSL Records’ — the joint custody child he conceived with Madmotormiquel and Soukie & Windish.
Sebo is a guy filled with a super Smoooothe Woooohohoho that’s had people on clouds of Uuuuuh since before these words were words. Feel the Ojee, smell the Jujujuju.